How to create website without code? What is the difference between professional and template website?

 First, What is the difference between a professional and a template website?


professional website:

A professional website is developed by a developer and each content, design, source code and component are own property of the developer.
Then, they get full rights and sales of the particular site. This is the best way to deploy the website.

Template website:

It is also called customization of the website. It provides the various inbuild components the user just modified the content and uses.

There is no technical knowledge required to customize. But this type of template website is only commercial, not for sales and redistribution.

If you come from a non-IT?
This one is useful for creating a website and making a career portfolio.

If you come from IT?
This one is helpful but not effective for your career

How to find the website professional or not?

There are a number of ways you can check if your website is a template or not. Start off by checking if there are any hyperlinks in the footer of your website. These text links are sometimes forgotten to be removed and will often state something along the lines of ‘theme by …' or ‘template by …’, if you see one of these links it will likely take you directly to the place the template was purchased from. Similarly, if your website is a subscription-based site there will be a link to the company located in the footer or included as a part of your web address.

If you don’t see either of these details the next place to search is 'under the hood. You do this by getting into the source code. Start with the front end. Right-click your browser web page and click "View page source" (or similar).

Look at the CSS file directory names. Search for "/wp-content/themes/" for example, see what the preceding theme name is, then search for that name in your preferred search engine e.g. Google.

Look at the graphics or image names and search for these.

Look at meta and image alt tags and search these.

Do a reverse image search to see if any images are associated with an original template. Stock images are common and are not to be mistaken for template sites on their own; you just want to see if they're associated with any websites selling the original template.

This is our first blog just iam sharing my knowledge and experience with you guys.

Blog by,
Ahamed Basith
